Add the opBNB Network
Wallet configuration
You can use any Etheruem or BSC wallet with opBNB. For instance, I will show you how to set up Metamask for opBNB.
To configure your wallet to work with opBNB, you will need to add both the BNB Smart Chain (Layer 1) and the opBNB network (Layer 2).
Follow these steps:
1. Add the BNB smart chain to your wallet.
This is the Layer 1 blockchain that opBNB is built on top of.
Network Name: BSC Mainnet
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
2. Add the opBNB network to your wallet.
Network Name: opBNB Mainnet
ChainID: 204
Symbol: BNB
How to configure Metamask
Install MetaMask
After you install the metamask in your browser, you can go to [Settings] -> [Networks] -> [Add Network] page.
Select add manual network and enter the network information.
opBNB Network Information
Network Name
The Layer 2 network of BNB Smart Chain.
RPC Endpoint
Chain ID
5611(Testnet), 204(Mainnet)
Currency Symbol
tBNB(Testnet) BNB(Mainnet)
Block Explorer
opBNB RPC Endpoints
You can use either public and private RPC endpoints to access opBNB.
Public opBNB Mainnet RPC Endpoints(WSS is supported)
Private opBNB RPC Endpoints
NodeReal supports the opBNB network, you can create your free opBNB RPC endpoints with your github or discord.
To use the above private RPC endpoint, make sure to login to MegaNode service and create your private endpoints.
Last updated